Real Vision

Breaking News. Sony PS4 players can play online with the Xbox One gamers.

Are you fully satisfied when you play games online? Perhaps you ever dreamed to play cross-platform, for example Sony PS4 with the Xbox One. If this happens, there will be a new revolution in the gaming world. It looks like this craziest dream will come true soon.

There is tremendous news for XBox One ardent fans and true connoisseurs Sony PS4. Now both gaming enthusiast of both well-known brands can play together online. This is the craziest dream of Microsoft, to realize the dream of Xbox One gamers and PS4 players to play games online with the same network. This is the most wonderful breakthrough for enthusiast gamers of both brands, which are actually competing all the time. 

Are you ready?

Meanwhile, Agostino Simonetta, the boss of ID@Xbox Europe, has even said that he was ready to realize the cross-play feature, so the Sony PS4 players can fight online with XBox One enthusiast. The statement was a continuation of the discourse that is spoken by Director of ID @ Xbox Chris Charla March 2016. At that time, Charla says that the Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4 could be incorporated into the same network.
XBox One, Microsoft, Sony PS4, cross-play, PS4, PS4 vs XBox, Rocket League, game develovers
Rocket League. Image:
However, to realize this dreams, developers of each game must also be ready to support fully. When all was ready, the online game will be more exciting than ever. Should the developers of the game from the Xbox One and Sony PS4 not trapped in their own ego. They should be aligned to the needs of players of both brands, very beautiful even if there are other brands that can join this "unity", so they can create "peace" in the world of gamers.

However, there is always good news for gamers as Microsoft and Xbox are very open with the feature. Until this article was written, there was already a game that already siiap to support those features. You probably already know that the game is Rocket League. Are you familiar with this game?

As quoted from Gamespot, Simonetta said that "As a platform, we can not force the developer to release (the game cross-play). (This feature) will be ready if the developers are ready," Over the years, the game developers of XBox one or PS4 will certainly realize that it is better to work together as a team, so it can satisfy gamers to interact with one another, which is among the enthusiast and gamers of Sony PS4 with Xbox One lovers.
XBox One, Microsoft, Sony PS4, cross-play, PS4, PS4 vs XBox, Rocket League, game develovers
Sony PS4 vs XBox One. Image:
Simonetta enthusiastically said, that the "Rocket League became the first game to cross-play - and it is a game that requires an internet connection. So, any game that you want to update a game that included cross-play, all titles to be released , we are ready".

Good collaboration will certainly provide benefits to all parties. The digital age is not always about competition, but also cooperation in the interest of consumers. Both Microsoft and Sony, would have a great team to negotiate and realize the dreams of gamer worldwide. They can meet face to face, such as in Bali. The natural beauty of the island of Bali will inspire them to produce the best solution.



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